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Load testing, if required, to prove the equipments capabilities may be carried out with a minimum lead in time once the cradle is erected on the building. Overnight and whilst not in use cradles are generally left at ground level pulled away from the building and enclosed in secure fencing, with this system, the cradle may be left above ground floor securely attached to the building. This reduces the risk of vandalism.

Aberdeen City Council

Aberdeen City Council has approved this system for use of the first Rainscreen overclad multi-storey Housing block in the city, Lord Hay’s Court, and has provided substantial assistance at all stages of the development of the pilot scheme.

The installation of the system on this overclad building will allow future inspections and cyclical maintenance to be carried out economically and safely.

Aberdeen City Council prides itself in supporting and assisting in the promotion of new ideas and initiatives.

Hoist Capacity = 1760 lbs (800kg) per hoist
W1 = weights for platforms with end stirrups.
W2= W1 + 2x OCTO hoist + 2x Safety Brake. Steel wire ropes and electric cable not included.
RL1 = Rated load in lbs evenly distributed on the platform centre with maximum floor loading (q).
T = Rated load RL1 evenly distributed (q) along a length of T.
q = Maximum floor loading 41lbs/ft2 (=200kg/m2).


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Cradle Access
Permanent Access Skytrack System

Skytrack Cradle Restraint Rail

A fully Integrated restraint system developed specifically for use with temporary and permanently installed suspended access cradles.

Economic and swift access to high rise buildings has traditionally been achieved utilising temporary suspended access cradles for Inspection and Maintenance purposes.

With new-build and/or rainscreen overcladding contracts, Engineers, Architects and Designers are now required to incorporate into the Works, safe systems of access and maintenance for the lifespan of the building.

With Skytrack a rail system can be installed both during and post-installation of new and existing Rainscreen Cladding Systems.

This Skytrack system permits suspended cradles to access external elevations to provide secure, semi-rigid working platform unaffected by high winds.

With the cradle rollers houses as they are within integral guides the cradle does not come into direct contact with the cladding leaving it free from tracking marks affecting the elevation. The system thus restrained is significantly less prone to wind effects than its competitors leading to increased productivity with prejudicing safety.

The Skytrack system was developed as a direct result of collaboration between Skyform (Scotland) Limited, the cradle access specialists and W A Fairhurst & Partners, Consulting Engineers. Skytrack is a simple, straight-forward, cost effective solution to safe, high rise access and overcomes the usual problems of lack of stability when working when working at height in suspended cradles on high rise buildings.

In order to reduce the installation cost of a temporary suspended access cradle, bespoke roof suspension jibs could be provided as part of the system. These may be standard jib sections with the appropriate back weights provided or specifically designed units the correspond with the clients future maintenance requirements. From a cyclic maintenance viewpoint this would dramatically reduce the transportation, health and safety risks to the cradle installers and ensure that the internal lifts/finishes are undamaged each time a temporary cradle is required on the building.

*GREEN DEAL APPROVED INSTALLER Reg. No. BSI593931. Authorised for the following measures: Energy Efficient Glazing and Doors Installer, External Wall Insulation Installer, Internal Wall Insulation Installer, Loft Insulation Installer.
Skyform (Scotland) Ltd, Head Office, 35-37 Watt Road, Hillington Park, Glasgow G52 4SS Tel: 0141 810 5722 Fax: 0141 810 5730